Thursday, December 17, 2009

Leg workout, Lee

My last workout with Lee. : (
I knew he'd make it memorable! ouch!

1. Bulgarian Split-Squat (otherwise known as split-stance squat with extended range of motion with DB). 15 lb DB x 2, 6 sets x 10 reps per leg, using aerobic step on two rises to achieve lower depth with back knee (go lower!)

Superset without rest with:

2. Goblet Squat w/ 50lb DB (**NEW**) Grasp DB cupped in both palms (underhand grip). Legs a little wider than shoulder length apart, toes pointing slightly out. Sit down until completely seated, elbows at mid-thigh. DO NOT lean forward or round the back. Chest up. Sit low, weight on back heels.

3. For good measure, leg press machine w/ 45+45+25lb weight (x2), feet and knees together (*NEW), 20 reps consecutive (if you need to stop, do singles). Make sure you complete full range of motion - low.

Tired legs! Sad day but good workout.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Leg workout, Lee

1. Dead lifts, 45lb (x2), 6 sets x 6 reps

2. Rear leg elevated split squat with extended dip (?). 20lb DB,
5 sets x 8 reps per leg. Aerobic bench + 2 steps.

3. Stationary lunge with front reach, 3 sets x 7 reps per leg. Brutal. 20lbs, then 15lb DB. Lean forward, flat back, bring DBs together in front of knees. Return up front erect position w/ weight on back leg. Smooth movement.

*new stretch from lee! Front lunge stretch on knee, reach opposite hand to grasp back leg, put other forearm on front leg, pull leg and lean forward.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Shoulder workout, solo


1. Smith machine, 5lbs (x2), 10lbs (x2)
7 sets x 10 reps

2. Lateral raise, 12 lb DB, 3 sets x 12 reps
Superset with:
3. Front raise, 20lb bar, 3 sets x 12 reps

4. Cable high pull, 35 lbs, both hands on ez curl bar, 3 sets x 10 reps
Superset with:
5. Cable lateral raise between legs, 5lbs, 3 sets x 10 reps

Leg workout, solo

1. Leg press, 7 sets x 10 reps, 45 + 45 lbs (x2). 2 min rest between

2. Bulgarian split squat w/ 40lb bar on back. 3 sets x 10 reps per leg

3. Leg extensuon machine, 3 sets x 20 reps (pausing at 13, 16, 18 due to pain), 50lbs

4. Prone hamstring curl, 3 sets x 12 reps, 60lbs
Superset with:
5. Calf raise machine, 20 lbs, 3 sets x 15 reps

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Arms workout, Lee

Today's special: straps.

1. Bicep curls with straps. 4 sets x 10 reps. These are tough!
Squat, grab straps (in front of you), rotate palms up and 45 degree angle. Lean back and put hips down, move legs towards mirror until you are supporting your weight with the straps. Keeping elbows up so upper arm is 90 degree perpendicular to torso (parallel to floor). Curl forearms forward only using biceps, not hips or legs! Keep core tight. *Most important: keep elbows up and don't allow to fold outwards, keep elbows in.

Superset with:
2. Tricep overhead extension with straps. 4 sets x 12 reps.
Grab straps, lean toward mirror, walk feet back, upper arms parallel to floor.Extend arms straight toward mirror. ** Keep elbows high, keep shoulders down, tighten core. Not too bad.

3. Close-grip pull-ups, assisted by thin purple strap. 3 sets x 10-8-5 reps (I got tired!). These are fun.

Superset with:
4. Close-grip bench press, 4 sets x 10 reps.
Make sure shoulders are set before every rep. Aim just above tummy/lower sternum. I am having problems with locking out arms in higher reps. Lee says that practicing the overhead tricep extension with the thin cable will help.
Note to self: buy thin purple cable! at Fitness Source.

Lee measured me today: I'll post the results separately. On paper the increase in numbers looks small - .75" growth, but strength has increased so that's all that matters!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Chest workout, Lee

Pushups warm-ups.
"6 x 6"...6 sets x 6 reps.
1. Bench Press, bar + 15lbs (x2). Lower bar slowly to touch chest, pause, then explosively push bar up to starting position. 6 reps.
Superset without rest with:
2. Decline projections (abs). Raise legs + lower body off decline bench, l0wer legs slowly (counting to 10), repeat without allowing legs to rest at bottom.

This may have been my most gruelling chest session with Lee yet. No rest between sets really shows me my cardio is really compromised. I was gasping for air, quite distracting.

3. Cable flies, ?lbs. 4 sets x 10 reps.
Pull cables from top position, squeeze chest to bring handles together (handles at 45 degree angle) in a downward semi-circular movement. Keep shoulders set down!

Four sets each:
4. Incline bench:
8 reps, lower bar (no weight) to touch upper chest, push up.
Superset with:
5. Dumbell raise, 15lbs each, partial reps, 20 reps (I could only do 12-15). Keep arms at chest level, don't allow arms to fall toward tummy/mirror. Set shoulders. Quick succession, no pausing, fast reps. Partial range of motion, so muscles are in constant tension.

Lee is constantly correcting form, which is great because I seem to have picked up a lot of bad habits somehow...folding my wrist, allowing my shoulders to come forward during the lift, allowing my breathing to become panicked, turning my head to one side or closing my eyes when I'm uncomfortable, etc. etc.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Leg workout, Lee

Feeling so-so, could have been stronger with these:

Front squats.
1. Bar + 10 lbs (x2), 1 set x 10 reps
2. Bar + 15 lbs (x2), " "
3. Bar + 20 lbs (x2), " "
4. Bar + 25 lbs (x2), " "
And reverse back 4 through 1.
*Keep elbows up, don't crane neck, squat low. The bar will not strangle me.
*Tip from Lee: to stretch out hip flexors (which inhibit me from squatting lower), reach back during a forward lunge stretch (1 knee on ground) to grab my foot and pull it up...will stretch the hip.

Hack Squats:
1 45lbs plate (x2), 3 sets of 20 reps.
Brutal. Lots of pain-filled sounds that I can't control. I think the noises I make when doing these distracts me more than the burn I am feeling. Finally solved the mystery of the strange small concentrated bruises on my back at the base of my ribcage last week - it's the hack squat machine. Next time I'll bring a towel.

*Also need to remember to eat my breakfast at least an hour before my workout. I don't think 20 minutes is enough time for my body to absorb the energy for the workout...makes a difference mentally more than physically for me.

Thanks Lee!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Arm workout, solo

Lee was in the gym and unbeknownst to me, kept an eye on me through my whole workout! His review: not favorable. I need more intensity and need to ensure I reach the full range of motion in each of my exercises. Didn't know he has eyes in the back of his head.

I did:
1. French press, small curly bar + 5 lbs (x2), alternate with
2. Bicep curl, 40lb bar.
(3 x 10 reps each)

3. Close-grip bench press, 3 sets x 10 reps. bar + 10 lbs.

4. Tricep pull-down with rope/40kg?, alternate with:
5. Close-grip assisted pull-ups (40kg? not sure)
(3 x 10 reps)

Lee's correction for Tricep pulldowns: stand further back, chest pushed forward (bench at waist), shoulders down, push straight through until arms straight at bottom.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Back day, Lee

Workout with Lee.

1. Wide-grip cable rows, 50kg (assisted), 7 sets x 10 reps. 70-80 second rest between.

2. Dumb-bell raise, 15 lbs each. 4 sets x 10 reps.
Alternate with:
3. Close-grip cable pull-downs, 55 kgs. 4 sets x 12 reps.

4. Wide-grip pull-ups, assisted with purple elastic strap. 3 sets x 10 reps.

+ a couple of sets of ab projections (10 reps) to top it off.

Feeling good!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Muscle Coma

I had a great workout with Lee today. Shoulders in the form of an all-body workout.
1. Sequentially: 6 deadlifts, 6 high-pulls, 6 cleans, 6 push-presses with a BB + 10 (x2) = 65 lbs total.
Rest 3 minutes.
2. 6 cleans followed by 6 push-presses.
Repeated 2. for 50 minutes with 3 minute rests between.
Lee was constantly correcting my form and technique until I could finally execute a couple of reps cleanly and properly. It is so much easier to lift the weight when you are performing a clean correctly!

Immediately after the workout I felt so strong and powerful that I excitedly did some ab projections and curls on the decline bench. Felt good, almost euphoric!

Now, 2 snacks and 2 hours later, I am falling asleep at my desk despite getting 8 hours sleep last night.

I don't know if someone has already coined this term, but I'm calling it a Muscle Coma. Intense workout followed by a period of fatigue and all-over lethargy. Just noticed this phenomenon in the past couple of workouts...I think I am becoming a meat-head.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Leg burn, Lee

Leg workout today...
I was burned out after 20 minutes of hack squats but Lee finished me with walking lunges until I could no longer stand. The second hardest workout I've ever had with him (both were legs, coincidentally).

Hack squats:
1. 50 reps with 45 lbs (x2)
2. 10 reps (assisted by Lee) with 45+45+45lbs (x2). 5-6 sets, I lost track.
3. Maximum amount of reps possible to failure: 45 (x2). I might have gotten to 25, barely. Wow did that ever burn - searing pain.

Walking lunges:
w/ 50lb BB behind neck. More searing pain and muscle failure, with gasping reminders that my cardio conditioning has slid off the backburner.

I knew my legs were cooked when I could barely climb the stairs back to the dressing room. Leaving the gym I was hoping I wouldn't need to run out of the way of a car...there's no way my legs would have responded. I wonder if anyone has been injured as a result of non-responsive over-worked muscles post-workout?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009