Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Leg burn, Lee

Leg workout today...
I was burned out after 20 minutes of hack squats but Lee finished me with walking lunges until I could no longer stand. The second hardest workout I've ever had with him (both were legs, coincidentally).

Hack squats:
1. 50 reps with 45 lbs (x2)
2. 10 reps (assisted by Lee) with 45+45+45lbs (x2). 5-6 sets, I lost track.
3. Maximum amount of reps possible to failure: 45 (x2). I might have gotten to 25, barely. Wow did that ever burn - searing pain.

Walking lunges:
w/ 50lb BB behind neck. More searing pain and muscle failure, with gasping reminders that my cardio conditioning has slid off the backburner.

I knew my legs were cooked when I could barely climb the stairs back to the dressing room. Leaving the gym I was hoping I wouldn't need to run out of the way of a car...there's no way my legs would have responded. I wonder if anyone has been injured as a result of non-responsive over-worked muscles post-workout?

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