Thursday, November 19, 2009

Muscle Coma

I had a great workout with Lee today. Shoulders in the form of an all-body workout.
1. Sequentially: 6 deadlifts, 6 high-pulls, 6 cleans, 6 push-presses with a BB + 10 (x2) = 65 lbs total.
Rest 3 minutes.
2. 6 cleans followed by 6 push-presses.
Repeated 2. for 50 minutes with 3 minute rests between.
Lee was constantly correcting my form and technique until I could finally execute a couple of reps cleanly and properly. It is so much easier to lift the weight when you are performing a clean correctly!

Immediately after the workout I felt so strong and powerful that I excitedly did some ab projections and curls on the decline bench. Felt good, almost euphoric!

Now, 2 snacks and 2 hours later, I am falling asleep at my desk despite getting 8 hours sleep last night.

I don't know if someone has already coined this term, but I'm calling it a Muscle Coma. Intense workout followed by a period of fatigue and all-over lethargy. Just noticed this phenomenon in the past couple of workouts...I think I am becoming a meat-head.

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